Sonority Review In this sonority review video, I'll be going over the Sonority features, Sonority benefits, Sonority demos, Sonority pricing, Sonority upsells, Sonority OTO’s, and Sonority bonuses. Basically, Sonority is an online app you can use to create voice like audio (text to speech) and even synthetic audio which can be combined to use for your online videos. What is Sonority? Sonority is a cloud-based voice-over and music-track synthesizer app that lets you create audio-tracks for your videos or podcast. No other text-to-speech and music-track apps even come close to what Sonority does. The voice-overs created are far superior and human-sounding than what Amazon Polly or Wavenet can produce. PLUS as a user, you do not need to add any API key or pay extra for credits. Sonority let’s you pick from over 15 different voice-over articles, copy-paste your text and convert it into a human-like voice in just a click. Sonority also lets you pick from 1000+ A.I. created music or...