Hi this is Rudy from SEO lush and here is my Keyword Atlas review and tutorial.

Today i’m gonna be talking about Keyword Atlas, its features and why it became my number one tool for all my keyword research needs.
But before I get into it, here is a link to Keyword Atlas with my special discount where you can grab it for 37 dollars which is 10 bucks cheaper than on the official sales page. Feel free to check it out.
So what is Keyword Atlas?
Keyword Atlas is a new keyword idea and long tail keyword generator.
But not only that. Keyword Atlas will give you a lot of valuable informations about these keywords like estimated monthly search volume or keyword competition.
Keyword atlas is scraping autosuggest keywords that you see when you go and type in a keyword.

These are great keywords to add to your list. Why?
Because if Google suggests a keyword, you know that lots of people are searching for it.
Why is Keyword Atlas so much better than most keyword research tools?
Most keyword tools only give you seaarch volume and competition data or a ranking difficulty score.
There are many keyword research tools on the market but most of them require monthly fee. You can get Keyword Atlas for one time payment.
Check the top of the page for my private link with Keyword Atlas Discount.
Keyword Atlas gives you low competition trending keywords from 23 major online websites including seven major top search engines, eight major e-commerce outlets, four video hosting platforms even google play and wikipedia.
But not only that. With Keyword Atlas you will get access to a unique proprietary formula that tells you exactly which keywords are the most important across all of those sources.
What is Keyword Atlas used for?
Keyword Atlas is handy for keyword research.
- You can use these keywords as titles for your youtube videos created with mass video marketing tools like YIVE.
Or You can use keywords generated with Keyword Atlas for :
- blog posts
- new niche video or YouTube channel ideas
- facebook ads
- google shopping
- and much more
If you’re looking for the Swiss Army knife of keyword tools and have no monthly fees Keyword Atlas is the best tool for you.
Keyword Atlas tutorial
Now i will show you a quick start tutorial.

Here this is the main screen where you enter in the niche keywords. I’m not going to show you all the options because they will take a long time but these are the most important and interesting options you can use.
- Country i use global in most cases and in some cases I use United States
- Source Here are the major top search engines, eight major e-commerce outlets, four video hosting platforms even google play and wikipedia. You can use for example Ask even Yandex that’s very popular in Russia. You can include YouTube if you want and also very interesting is the play store, Pinterest and also very important are the e-commerce ones like eBay, Alibaba, Amazon.

You can use all 21 if you want. But in this case i use only Google and Bing and the word “weight loss pills”, because I want to sell weight loss pills for affiliate commission.

Okay so let’s press start. Keyword Atlas start continuously looking for keywords and I’m going to let it run because it will take about one to three minutes to finish. Then I’ll come back when it’s finished.

Okay so it has finished now actually it only took less than a minute. So it was pretty fast. As you can see it has found 376 keywords. You can see all these keywords in the image above, which are pretty self-explanatory.
However Keyword Atlas gives every keyword invidual score which means its the first result when you type in weight loss pills in Google orBing. Keyword Atlas counts the average of these it was honest number one here is number one so basically this weight loss pills keywords. This tells you that it’s very popular at the moment.
That’s a very broad quick keyword and you can’t really use that. What we’re going to do is to click on position score. What will happen now it will sort it into the most searched keywords along with all the search engines.
You can see weight loss pills vitamin shoppe is on the best positions for all because it’s number one when you type in weight loss pills. It will automatically complete it with vitamin shoppe at the end, that is the most search for keywords at this moment.
You can go down the list and you can see many other keywords you can do many many things for these keywords now.
You can get to see search volume and so on but I’m going to show you a little trick that really stands out why this tool stands out from the rest.
I’ve chosen this word “weight loss pills no caffeine”. Why? Because it’s something I’ve never thought about yet and it’s still pretty high on the scale (78). The top keywords are all very broad keywords and they will be hard to rank for. But this one is very interesting weight loss pills no caffeine because I want to see how much this is searched for.
So this word I looked up and as you can see it only has 30 searches a month so normally this would not be interesting for you to write about, promote or anything like that.
So it’s only 30 searches a month it says but in reality, it’s searched much much much more. So I put the keyword in to body I use that a lot for put the research for videos as you can see this keywords when you put the suggested it will suggest this keyword to body and it has a score of KU.
That means you can still rank for this keyword even though it’s dreamy popular right now so make a video about this and you have a good chance of ranking this video.
So this is what you can do with keyword Atlas for example.
Okay so yeah I’m back to the Keyword Atlas and dashboard as you can see here the exercise mat is in the top 10 of most searched keywords right at this moment so if you make it a blog post or the video right now then you have a very good chance of ranking it. And of course if you then send the traffic to any affiliate link or something else then you have a good chance of earning some money from this.
So this is how powerful keyword Atlas is and this is only a very quick tutorial to show you how powerful it is and what you can do with it.
CLICK HERE if you want to learn more and get Keyword Atlas Discount.
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